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11. Pollution


Pollution is an extremely bad thing, it kills animals and devours the environment, the worst thing is that humans cause pollution. There are 3 main types of pollution, Air pollution, Land pollution, and water pollution, there are many other types of pollution, like noise pollution, and light pollution.


Land pollution is the 3rd most common pollution, it all starts by someone littering and no one care about it, it either end up going down the drain, or scattering across the mainland. Then a lot of the plastic and rubbish gets eaten by animals. Everyone can make a difference, just go outside, and pick up 10 bits of rubbish, it won’t solve the pollution problem, but it will save an animal’s life.


Water pollution is the 2nd most common pollution and is toxic to our marine animals. Just one tiny bit of rubbish can destroy and animals’ gut, And the plastic water bottle is the #1 cause of ocean pollution. There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste estimated to be in our oceans, and if you think that’s bad, 269,000 tons of it floats, and 4 billion microfibers per km² dwell below the surface. 70% of our debris sinks into the ocean's ecosystem, which means more marine fish and animals die. 15% floats, and 15% lands on our beaches, 8.3 million tons of rubbish are discarded in the sea yearly.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is the world's worst killers, a typical American breathes in 2 gallons/around 10 litres a day. Breathing in air pollution can increase the risk of heart Attack and a stroke. Children are most likely to catch a disease from air pollution.

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Well described article about a very serious problem

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