8. Volcanoes
Volcanoes can be very scary when they erupt. When they erupt, they cover houses in lava and ash. Volcanoes can make lot's of landscapes, such as islands. This is because most volcanoes are underwater. Check out my video on volcanoes here!
Volcanoes can make many different landforms, such as:
sometimes, even continents!
fertile soil, for plants to grow in.
Each second, at least one volcano erupts in small eruptions!
There are more volcanoes in the sea than on land! It is true. I can name some of them. Orca Seamount, Patton Seamount, Protector Shoal and Pukao.
Lot's of volcanoes have formed near or on the border of the tectonic plates. This might help scientists predict where and when volcanoes can form. This is because they know that lot's are on the border, so more could form there. The chance is 92%.

Supervolcanoes are a type of volcano that erupts when a large amount of magma stored under the Earth's surface is let go in a vent, or volcano, and let's lava fly more than 100 kilometers from the volcano!
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