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  • Writer's pictureHenry Perraton

1. The sun

Updated: Jan 25, 2022

Today’s blog will feature the Sun. We will make our way from the hot centre of the solar system to the cold Kuiper belt and beyond

the sun's circumference is a whopping 4.379 million km wide and the diameter 1.3927 million km wide and is the biggest celestial body in the solar system. another fact is that it can fit more than 1000000 earths inside!!!

The sun is in the middle of the solar system. The sun’s surface temperature can reach 5,778 K!!!!! it is so hot you would burn to death if you got anywhere near it.

Sometimes HUGE explosions happen on the surface. They are called solar flares. These are the enormous loops you can see going out of the sun. They spread millions of kilometres from the surface of the sun! This plasma from the sun is looping because of the sun's enormous amount of gravity!

There is another type of danger from the sun known as solar wind. it can go as far as the Kuiper belt! Solar wind is not like the wind you experience on Earth. It has tiny charged particles that you can't see in it. you may think that something that tiny could not do much damage, but, add in the fact that it is flying through space at around 200 km per hour, that can easily cast a hole through your spacesuit. Just beware!

It’s a long way to the sun. when you get within 5 million km of the sun your rocket ship will burn up.

The sun is 4.603 billion years old. In the course of 5 billion years the sun will become a red giant then it will explode and become a white dwarf, and so will Sirius, a very big star in our galaxy. We will talk about Sirius on a future blog.

See you next time on give me space!

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Henry Perraton
Henry Perraton




This is great Henry, I would like to hear more about our solar system. It's a very interesting topic.


Henry Perraton
Henry Perraton

about 15 million degrees celcius



How hot is it inside the sun?



Nice one Henry. I have subscribed, looking forward to the next one.

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