7. Venus
Updated: Oct 1, 2021
Venus is the 2nd planet in the solar system to the sun, but Venus is the hottest. Why is Venus hotter than Mercury even though Mercury is closer to the sun? The reason is its clouds trap heat. this is causing runaway greenhouse effect.
Venus rotates the slowest, and nobody knows why. Venus is also called earth's evil twin. because of its lava surface and volcanos it is also another reason why it's hotter than mercury. scientists are very interested about these mysterious volcanoes because they didn't find any others on other planet. earth's life started with volcanoes and maybe this is the start of venus' life?

Unlike the other planets, Venus spins clockwise on its axis. It’s very weird! this maybe because of the time it takes to move around. the sun may be trying to make it spin faster with gravity making it cause to go the opposite way.
Venus is the second brightest natural object in the night sky after the moon. it is because of the blanket of heat that is reflecting the sun's light to us. That is what is making it glow.
Venus has 90 times the atmospheric pressure of earth. That means if you put your new car or lamborghini into the cloud's of venus, it would be crushed in seconds.
scientists recently realized that there are living bacteria in the deadly clouds of venus. this is another sign that life might thrive the planet in the next 1,000,000 years (one million years).
Fun fact: a Venus day is longer than a Venus year!!!

This is venus.
This is very interesting, Henry.
Venus is called the evening star or the morning star. This is its orbit is between the earth and the sun so it will always be seen within 3 hours of evening or dawn
the runaway greenhouse effect is happening to earth. Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!